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Monday, May 12, 2008

Sigma Mini-Wide II 28mm f/2.8 Sample Photos

So, somewhere on this here web, I saw some photos taken with this lens, and really liked 'em, so I found one for an ok price at keh.com, and got it (then watched one sell cheaper on ebay doh!) Oh, well, it's nice.. I find this lens to be quite sharp wide open, and it has beautiful bokeh.

The lens is billed as a macro, and definitely is close focusing, but at 1:4.5 ratio, it doesn't really compare to a real macro. OTOH, it is superb for closeups of large flowers (roses, irises, whatever these bluish ones are...).

So, I've taken a bunch of shots with my Pentax K200D to demonstrate the lens (actually for fun, but I thought you might want to see 'em). Most are at f/2.8 or f/4, to show off the bokeh, but there's a few stopped down. Sample photos are in this gallery now

In the gallery, you'll see one boring shot with a crop of the sun with a backlit branch. I see no significant CA, however, the lens does tend to suffer from flare, so a good hood is advisable as is keeping the sun out of the frame.

A few samples...

See the Gallery.

edited 1/20/2010 for new links...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

año nuevo elephant seals

We had a good time the other day at Año Nuevo State Natural Reserve on the California coast north of Santa Cruz. A walk of about 1.5 mi. takes you to viewing areas within feet of hundreds of Elephant Seals. Very cool - kids would love it. A gallery is here.

A couple samples...